Selecting The Right Indoor Plant For Your Home
There are a huge variety of houseplants you can choose from to add decoration, greenery, and interest to your home interior. However, not all houseplants work in every home. So before you spend your hard-earned cash on a new plant, it’s best to take into account a number of factors to ensure you and your houseplant can live harmoniously together.
Of course, you can use our website to guide you to your perfect indoor plant as we have separated all our plants into handy sections to make buying one you’ll love an absolute breeze.
Everything You Need To Know To Choose The Perfect Indoor Plant
Check The Temperature and Humidity of Your Home
Houseplants come in all shapes, sizes, and varieties, with each one evolving in a specific climate. Some plants originated in the desert, some in the jungle - and because of that, they’ll have very different needs. A houseplant should be made to feel as comfortable as possible in your home, and by mirroring their natural environment as much as possible, you’ll help them to thrive.
Now, we’re not suggesting you need to turn the thermostat up to 100 degrees or open the windows every time it’s raining to try to recreate the monsoon season. However, by taking a moment to consider the climate of your home - whether the air is dry or damp if it’s warm or cold, and perhaps most importantly - how much sunlight comes in - you’ll be able to pick a plant that is better suited to those particular conditions.
Consider The Placement Of Your Houseplant
Naturally, where you place your plant will also have an effect on how well it thrives. Some plants need warmth and lots of natural light to stay alive, while others are more like the moody teenagers or vampires of the plant world and can handle being holed up in the darker corners of your home, no problem. So before you choose your plant, decide where you intend to display it, see how much natural light finds its way there, and then make your selection accordingly.
So before you choose your plant, decide where you intend to display it, see how much natural light finds its way there, and then make your selection accordingly.
Consider The Kind Of Plant You Want
Of course, you’ll probably have a preference for particular kinds of indoor plants too. You might have your eye on something large and leafy, tough and spiky, or perhaps an elegant trailing plant. The great news is that there are lots of options in every category, so you are sure to find a houseplant that’s right for you.
Best Indoor Plants For Different Environments
So now that you know what you need to consider before you purchase your next indoor plant, why not browse through some of our helpful categories to see what’s available?
Not everyone is naturally green-fingered and if you are keen on the idea of filling your house with greenery but not so sold on the commitment that comes with keeping a living thing, well, alive, then no worries! These are some of our low-maintenance favourites that just want you to check in on them from time to time but otherwise will pretty much take care of themselves.
While you can’t expect to lock a houseplant in a lightless cupboard and keep it alive (and frankly, why would you want to?), there are some varieties that can handle shade far better than others. So if you want to brighten up a dull corner, never fear, as these plants can still thrive in a poorly lit spot.
Our furry friends love to investigate anything new that’s brought into the home so you’ll no doubt want to make sure that your houseplant is safe for your pets to get up close and personal with. Some indoor plants are toxic to animals and aren’t ideal for young children either. So if you’ve got a young family, or some fur-babies, you might want to choose from our Pet-Friendly indoor plant’s list for added peace of mind.
So now you know, it’ time to discover your new indoor houseplant
A houseplant can really bring a room to life, adding vibrancy and character. We hope these tips will help you find the perfect plant for your home - and remember, our customer support team is just a phone call away if you have any questions or need any advice!